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Sugar at your diet can be naturally occurring or added. Naturally occurring sugars are found naturally in food such as fruits (fructose) and milk (lactose). ¹ Sugar is also naturally available in carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice, noodles, bread, pasta and so much more. ² Meanwhile, added sugars are sugars and syrups added to foods during preparation or processing, or added at the table.¹
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends daily added sugar amount of NO MORE than 9 teaspoons for men & 6 teaspoons for women.

Many people, in fact, consume MORE SUGAR THAN THEY REALIZE.

Malaysians' daily sugar intake.
Malaysians consume an average of 26 TEASPOONS of sugar per day³, which is far beyond the recommended daily sugar intake by either AHA or World Health Organization (WHO). Malaysians’ daily sugar intake is on a rising trend. During the 1970’s, Malaysians consumed 17 teaspoons of sugar a day, and in the 1980’s, the amount of sugar taken daily increased to 21 teaspoons. Astonishingly, the amount rose to an average 0f 26 teaspoons of sugar per day today.³

Introducing... Sweetality™
... a revolutionary sugar replacement derived from sugar cane using the proprietary Flavour Infusion Factor (FIF) technology.

Sweetality™ is made up of 2 main components. High Intensity Sucrose FIF and High Intensity Sucralose FIF where these 2 components are infused together via the proprietary FIF technology.
Thanks to its proprietary technology, Sweetality™ tastes and looks like sugar, yet 80-98% lower in calories compared to normal sugar with the same sweetness. In other words, Sweetality™ is equivalent to sugar minus the calories. Sweetness minus guilt. You can now enjoy delicious food, without worrying the extra sugars and extra calories!

Sweetality™ vs Conventional Sweetener
Sweetality™ not only replaces the sweetness of sugar but retains all its other attributes. This makes Sweetality™ so versatile that it can replace the usage of sugar in any application. Unlike conventional sweetener, Sweetality™ doesn’t leave any metallic or bitter after-taste, making it tastes as good as sugar, and even better!

 For Cooking & Baking:
·         Sweetality™ is stable in high temperature like sugar where the sweetness doesn’t change or decrease with prolonged heat exposure
·         Just like sugar, it melts at 140°C and caramelized at 170°C
·         Sweetality™ can be used for all cooking and baking

For Beverages:
·         Sweetality™ is stable in acidic or alkaline condition. Thus, it can be used to replace sugar in all beverages including citrus & dairy beverages

Excellent Flavour Profile:
·         Seetality™ tastes just like sugar and gives the desirable sensory sensation and mouthfeel with no unfavourable after-taste.

·         Made from sugar cane extract
·         Low calorie
·         80% lower in calories compared to white sugar
·         5 times sweeter than white sugar
·         Each serving (1g) is as sweet as 1 teaspoon of normal white sugar
·         Each serving (1g) only contributes to 4kcal white 1 serving of white sugar (5g) contributes to 20 kcal
·         Made from sugar cane extract
·         Zero calorie
·         98% lower in calories compared to white sugar
·         Each serving (1 drop) is as sweet as 1 teaspoon of normal white sugar
·         Each serving (1 drop) contributes to 0 kcal
·         Can be mixed directly into drinks and food
·         Convenient for those who are always on the go, use it anytime and anywhere
·         1 bottle can be used for up to 300 servings
Sweetality™ is suitable for EVERYONE, particularly for those who need or want to reduce sugar in their diet or just want a healthy lifestyle.
1.      What is the difference between Sweetality™ and other conventional sweeteners?
Sweetality™ is made from sugar cane extract. The proprietary FIF technology enables Sweetality™ to taste as good as sugar, and at the same time it can be used in cooking, brewing and baking, just like how we use sugar.
2.      What is the difference between Sweetality™ and normal cane sugar?
Sweetality™ is made from sugar cane extract with proprietary and exclusive FIF Technology. It is 80-98% lower in calories as compared to normal white sugar.
3.      Who should use Sweetality™?
Sweetality™ is critically beneficial to diabetics, weight watchers or those who simply need or want to reduce sugar in their diets without compromising on the taste and flavour of their food. It is equally suitable for children and pregnant women.
4.      How do we use Sweetality™?
Use like sugar, only less. Sweetality™ can be used to replace sugar in all food and beverages. You may choose to use any one of them or combine both Sweetality™ products.
5.      How much Sweetality™ should I use to make a cup of tea?
Each serving (1g) of Sweetality™ Ganulated Sweetener and each serving (1 drop) of Sweetality™ Liquid Sweetener is equivalent to 1 teaspoon (5g) of normal white sugar. You may adjust the sweetness according to individual preference.
6.      Is Sucralose safe?
Absolutely, Sucralose is approved by regulator authorities including FDA as a food ingredient. Sucralose has been extensively studied and more than 110 safety studies were reviewed by FDA in approving the use of Sucralose as a general purpose sweetener for food.


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